Special Needs Level 2/3 Funding Workshop
September 20, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
This session offered by the Inclusion Support Branch, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning, will provide an overview of applying for level 2 or 3 funding to support students with additional learning needs. The session will include a review of the funding criteria, timelines in the process (including the forms and templates required) and the Student Services Review and Reporting process. The session will include a review of the funding application itself and the information required in each section.
Intended Audience: Principals, Case Managers, Resource Teachers, Guidance Counsellors, Clinicians, Classroom Teachers, Funded Independent School Representatives. Information about Level 2 and 3 funding is always available on the Education and Early Childhood Learning website at https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/specedu/funding/index.html